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Masjid Governance

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ


The discourse on masajid management in the UK highlights critical areas for improvement, including accountability, transparency, and community involvement. The U.K. masājid have grappled with issues of sectarianism, ethnic exclusivity, and limited engagement with congregations and local communities. Despite attempts to address these challenges, progress in enhancing mosque governance and community outreach has been slow.

Masjid governance
Powerpoint presentation on Youtube

Many U.K.  masājid exhibit a deficiency in possessing a formal constitution that outlines guidelines for their management, thereby granting substantial autonomy to ethnicity-based management committees, frequently comprised of unelected individuals. This deficiency in structured governance frameworks allows these committees to formulate and modify rules at their discretion, often without seeking broader consultation or involving the congregation in the decision-making process.

Addressing governance issues requires a multifaceted approach prioritizing accountability, accessibility, and inclusivity. The masājid need transparent decision-making processes and mechanisms for accountability to congregants and the broader community. Efforts should focus on enhancing accessibility for all attendees and welcoming diversity in management roles.

In conclusion, addressing governance challenges in UK masājid necessitates efforts to promote accountability, transparency, and community involvement. By fostering inclusive environments and engaging with broader societal issues, mosques can contribute to a more cohesive and resilient society.