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Is FIW® Suitable for You?

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ provides a platform for generating a basic Islamic Will for individuals whose estates are located in the U.K. and not subject to inheritance tax, estate tax, or similar levies imposed on the deceased's estate after death. For instance, in the United Kingdom, individuals with estates valued above the nil rate band, currently set at £325,000, may incur inheritance tax at a rate of 40% on amounts exceeding this threshold.

To create a free Islamic Will online, users must first register on the website. Upon completion of the Will, users have the option to save it for future amendments or to print it without saving.

For individuals with substantial wealth, seeking advice from qualified professionals is recommended to mitigate potential tax liabilities on their estates posthumously. facilitates connections with appropriate professionals for a complimentary consultation.

Islamic Wills are generally feasible only in jurisdictions where the testator (the Will writer) has testamentary freedom, enabling them to distribute their wealth according to their wishes after death. This condition is typically met in countries that adhere to common law systems, including England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, most parts of Canada, most U.S. states, and select other nations. However, even in these jurisdictions, local statute laws may override Islamic Will provisions regarding inheritance distribution.

In countries governed by civil law systems, such as many European nations, legal heirs are entitled to predetermined inheritance shares by law, making it challenging to implement Islamic law-based inheritance distribution through a Will. This also applies to Scots Law, which combines elements of civil and common law. Individuals uncertain about the suitability of for their circumstances are advised to consult a local legal advisor. The platform should only be used if users are confident it aligns with their needs and preferences.


A. Hussain