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In the name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
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What is Islām and What is a Muslim
What is the purpose of life in Islām
What is Sharīʿa
Towards Understanding The U.K. Prayer Timetable
Things That Break the Fast (Al-Mufaṭṭirāt)
The Continuing Problem Of Moon Sighting In The U.K. : A Solution On The Horizon?
Summary of JKN Fatwa on Moonsighting Feb. 2025
Moonsighting Practices in the UK: Historical Perspectives, Challenges, and the Path to Unification
A Rational Solution to Unite UK Muslims on the Moonsighting Issue
Principles Regarding Money and Wealth in Islām
Bitcoin: A Shariah-Compliant Path to Sound Money? Or a Deceptive Charade?
The Control of Central Banks
Most Efficient Way of Donating Money to a Charity
Masjid Governance in Islam and the UK Law
Legal Requirements of Payment to Masjid Madrassah Teachers
Establishing a Local Mediation Committee for the Muslim Community
Establishing a Local Committee for Resolving Inheritance Debt
When is it permissible to pray sitting in a chair? کرسی پر بیٹھ کر نماز پڑھنا کب جائز ہے؟
A Case for Masjid-Led Educational Programs
MARRIAGE/ نِكَاح
Marriage and Inheritance
Why have a marriage contract
Pre-nuptial Agreement and the Muslim Marriage Contract
End of Life Issues in Islām
What to do for the dying Muslim patinet
Care of the Muslim Patient After Death
Is Brain Death Actual Death? Absolutely Not!
Digital Autopsy v Invasive Autopsy
The New Medical Examiner System (Apr. 2024)
New System for Issuing MCCD
Physician-assisted Dying in U.K.
Why it is Important to Write a Will
Islāmic Will in Your Own Language اسلامی وصیت آپ کی اپنی زبان میں
Debt in Islām and the Islāmic Will
Do I need to document Inheritance shares in my Islāmic Will
Law of Intestacy in England & Wales and Scotland
The Islāmic Law of Gifts, A Concise Overview
The Use of Gifts in Estate Planning for U.K. Muslims
The Islāmic Law of Wills, A Concise Overview
Controlling and Coercise Behaviour in Will Writing
Testamentary Capacity in Making Wills
Is FIW® Suitable for You?
Write your Islāmic Will
Do all British Muslims have an opportunity to write a legally valid Islamic Will?
Family Property in Islam for UK Muslims
My Will and Organ Donation
Will based Will v Trust based Will
Practical Guide to Islāmic Will
Importance of Residuary Beneficiary
Disinherit/ Repudiation (ʿĀq)
Legal Instruments Used
No-Contest Clause in an Islāmic Will
Beyond an Islāmic Will
Testamentary Formalities
انگلینڈ میں اسلامی وصیت پر کیسے دستخط کریں
Halāl Wealth, Halāl Money and Succession
Electronic Wills
Islāmic Will and Inheritance Tax (IHT)
Loan, Gift, or Trust: Determining the True Nature of a Financial Arrangement
Which Law Will Apply to My Islāmic Will
Challenging a Will via a Caveat
Arabian Method of Calculating Inheritance Shares
Islāmic Law of Inheritance : An Overview
Valid Nikāh as cause of inheritance
Pension Contributions, Taxes and Inheritance for UK Muslims
Inheritance of Orphaned Grandchild
Inheritance between Muslim and Non-Muslim
Shares in the Qur'ān Add up to More than One
Inheritance Practices Which are Not Part of Islām
The Muslim Medical Expert and Fatāwa on Bioethics
Islāmic Bioethics : Compilation of Fatāwa
Organ Donation Week 23-29th Sept., 2024. Deceased Organ Donation in Islām : FAQs by Muslims
The New Opt-out Organ Donation Law in U.K.: FAQs
Presumed/ Deemed Consent in Organ Donation
Is Brain Death Actual Death?
The Dilemma of Brain Death for HCPs
Modes of Administration of Medication and Medical Interventions which may Invalidate a Fast
Does does the Use of the Inhaler Break the Fast?
Vaccines Containing Porcine/ Bovine Gelatine
Fluenz® nasal flu vaccine : Halāl or Harām
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